Why are we doing these health checks?
This is part of the Workplace Cardiovascular Disease Health Check Pilot, which is a national initiative to take CVD checks direct to employees in workplaces. It’s designed to help spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia.
How does it work?
We offer free on-site health checks conveniently at your workplace. Please book your appointment slot in advance, using the following link https://nhshckent.randox.com/ your workplace will be listed as a location for you to book into accordingly. Our team can also assist with bookings or any further questions by calling: 0800 2545 452
Who can book a health check?
These health checks are available only for staff of the workplace. All staff members aged 25 – 84 years old can avail of a health check.
What does the health check involve?
During the health check a number of data points will be measured including: BMI, blood pressure, pulse and diabetic risk. Questions relating to health and lifestyle will also be discussed. A short consultation will follow to discuss the findings from the health check and provide guidance on next steps and referrals should they be required.
What happens after the check?
After CVD Health Check, you will receive a number of results. This is the time to take action to improve these results to give you a longer, better life. Research shows small changes to your habits can have a surprising effect on your health. Referral services will be available to support these efforts. Individuals should seek an appointment with their GP for any follow ups required.
Who are Randox Health?
Randox Health have been commissioned on behalf of Kent County Council to provide this initiative. Established in 1982, Randox is the largest healthcare diagnostics company in the UK. Our goal is to provide individuals with access to unrivalled health data that empowers them to take control of their health and make positive changes to help prevent future illness.